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Transforming Lives, Culture, and the Church

Our Mission

Inspired by the great commission “To go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19) and the exhortation of our Holy Father Pope Francis in Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium). “I dream of a ‘missionary option’, that is, a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything.” Missionary Impulse has been called to form missionary disciples through “Transforming lives, culture, and the Church.

There are so many nonprofit and aid organizations out there that help a lot of people. However, those who donate to these organizations often don’t know the people being helped. In fact, the organization sometimes doesn't know the people being helped nor do they follow up with the person, have a relationship with them, or even make an effort to give the Gospel and evangelize as they help.

Missionary impulse has a unique opportunity in which our years of experience has helped us create systems that aid in the success of the individuals that we invest in. You have the confidence of knowing that your investment into the mission is having a real impact on the lives of individuals and communties who are known, being journeyed with, and encouraged to live a life in Christ. 


Meet Paul

Paul Albert was born and raised in Boston, MA, in a very Catholic Haitian American home. Paul is married to the beautiful Anna Albert and for now they have four kids. Growing up, Bible studies, prayer meetings, and small group gatherings in the home were a normal occurrence and Paul loved every second of it. It wasn’t until Paul’s late teen years that he would begin to turn away from the Lord and His Church. In college, after Paul had hit rock bottom due to a lifestyle of partying and promiscuity he found himself face to face with a priest just letting it all out. Thanks to the mentorship of that priest Paul would have his reversion back to Christ and his Church. Paul is in love with Jesus Christ and his Church, he has a huge heart for missions, and has dedicated his life to serving God, first and foremost, through serving his wife and kids but also through the mission of the Church, which exists to evangelize. Paul has spoken to thousands of people of all ages Nationally and Internationally, and has shared how he has seen God work wonders and change lives, including his own.

Meet Anna

Anna has served in youth ministry for many years and has ministered in both Haiti and the U.S., but currently spends most of her time serving her family by caring for their 4 young children. Anna’s call to mission started as a teenager serving the needs of the under-priveleged domestically and shortly after internationally. Anna was born and raised in the Boston area in an Irish Catholic family who had her go to youth group against her will. At that youth group Anna would quickly fall in love with the Lord and developed a passion for missions. Her desire to serve led to serving the poor and the outcast through many domestic and international mission trips. Anna is passionate about journeying with individuals and small groups and helping them discover their true identity in God the father while being rooted in the Church.
